JT Kasin vs DJ Hyde
This one started off with a styles-clash promo between Reckless & Wasted party animal JT Kasin, and stoic DJ Hyde. JT tried to get Deej to lighten up, even strapping a party hat to his head and putting one of those party streamer gimmicks in his mouth. DJ didn’t budge, so he took a loaded beer bottle to the face – which looked great, by the way. DJ beats up on JT with some stiff-looking chops and a shot into the barricade, before finishing him off with a lariat.
What worked: This segment/match used both guys’ gimmicks pretty well. JTK is over as the party guy, and DJ is solidified as a no-BS ass-kicker. Short and sweet, without any time to get boring.
What made me angry: Again, nothing here that made me angry. I’m biased here, since Kasin is a friend, so I would have liked to see him protected a bit more, but this loss won’t hurt him. No complaints.
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