NYWC: Angry Andy Reviews "Hotter Than Hell"

J-Ro & Chrissy Rivera vs Ricky Cataldo & Marti Belle

This was the follow-up to last month’s angle, where Marti and Ricky teamed up to KILL Chrissy.  I really liked last month’s segment, and I liked this match, too.  Again, it felt like more of an angle than a match, but that’s okay, because it was kept short, sweet and to the point. Marti and Ricky win when Ricky plants a big kiss on J-Ro, and Marti rolls up Chrissy for the 3.   Chrissy and Sammy Pickles beat up on Marti after the match.  Not sure why Sammy was there, but I don’t mind her as a manager – she’s VERY energetic at ringside, which helps.

What worked:  The action was okay, but nothing crazy.  I really like J-Ro’s ringwork, but this match wasn’t so much about the match, as much as the story.

What made me angry: He’s not alone on this one, but Ricky HAS TO cut down on the F-bombs.  He’s really good at playing up the crowd’s uneasiness/outright homophobia, and that’s awesome.  But if this stuff is ever going to air on TV, that’s already pushing the limit.  Tons of F-bombs could be the difference between his matches airing, and his matches landing on the cutting room floor. That would be a shame.

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