NYWC: Angry Andy Reviews "Hotter Than Hell"

Tony Nese and Papadon, the Premiere Gods, come out to the ring. They were set for a best 2 of 3 falls match against Drew Gulak and “Chainsaw” Joe Gacy, but Gulak couldn’t make it tonight.  They call out The Juicy Product and demand a tag title match.  Juicy Product say no—face Milk Chocolate tonight, and we’ll give the winner a title shot next month.

The Premiere Gods vs Milk Chocolate
Wow.  Just wow.  Nese and Papadon are the best all-around talents in the company, and probably among the best in the northeast.  Milk Chocolate, as we’ve established, are probably my favorite act in the company, and talented as hell in their own right.

You had to know I was going to like this one, right?

These guys had a great match, with real consequences.  Gacy runs in and kills everyone at the end for a no-contest finish.  He cuts a promo saying the beatdowns will continue until he and Gulak get the title shot they deserve. The action was great.  The story was great.  And it’s building logically to either a 3-way match for the number one contendership, or a 4-way tag title match.  Either way, I’m all about it.

What worked: Everything. Everything here was wonderful.  When I posted my review of the July show, one of the men in this match shared it on his Facebook page.  Someone responded “Knew there wouldn’t be any negative comments made about [you guys]!! The way the two of you work, how could there be?!?“ I don’t see that changing anytime soon.

What made me angry: Add a few of these guys to the list who need to watch their mouths.  A bunch of F-bombs and some really unnecessary, un-airable jokes.  That’s my only real complaint here.

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