10 Better Ways for TNA to Spend $400k than on Alberto Del Rio

Andy's Angry

8. Colt Cabana

Colt Cabana is one of the most entertaining performers on the Indy wrestling circuit.  The fact that WWE had him, and decided that the best way to use him would be as Scotty fucking Goldman, continues to blow my mind.  This guy “gets it” business wise, and he’s incredibly entertaining to boot. There would be undeniable money to be made in merch and house shows.

The Upside: Colt could easily fill the “comedy face” void left by a recently-turned Eric Young.  He’s got a style that’s easy to get behind as a comedic face, but is more than capable of getting serious for the right story (see his ROH feud with Homicide.)  People like Jim Cornette may not like him, but people like Jim Cornette have allowed wrestling to pass them by.  For my money, Colt Cabana is the Santino Marella of the indy scene, and there is ALWAYS a place on the card for a Santino Marella.

The Risk: We all know who Colt’s best friend and former Indy tag partner is.  Nobody needs to give the fans another reason to chant for him.  Also, there’s the chance that the TNA crowd doesn’t connect with Colt, or gives up on him long before it’s time for him to go.  Funny has a shelf life, though Colt’s should be much longer than that of Eric Young or Shark Boy.  If used right (and, perhaps, sparingly) TNA should be more than able to get their money’s worth out of Mr. Cabana.

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