NYWC: Angry Andy Reviews "Hotter Than Hell"

Ultimo Maya vs Jabali Jr.

These guys have been working together, in some form, for a few months now.  I hated the first match.  I think I’ve liked everything since, this match included. Some good lucha action, some good hard-hitting strikes, and some pretty impressive high spots.  And hey, Maya even won with a pretty cool-looking submission. Think STF, but with a headscissor instead of a crossface.

What worked: Good wrestling action.  There’s been a very noticeable improvement, which makes me pretty happy to see.  I wouldn’t mind one more match between these guys to blow off the feud. Either way, I hope these guys keep up the good work, and don’t let crappy crowds kill their work.

What made me angry: This crowd, man.  It sucked for most of the show, but man, did it really suck here.  I get it, the NYWC Sportatorium is really friggin hot in August.  I know.  But you know what?  I brought a big ass bottle of water with me, and if I hadn’t there were plenty of ice-cold drinks available at the concession stand.  GET OVER IT.  You spent $20 (or $25 for front row) to come out and enjoy a night of live pro wrestling.  SO ENJOY IT.  These guys worked hard and had a good match.

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