NYWC: Angry Andy Reviews "Hotter Than Hell"

Anthony Lacerra vs Alvin Alvarez

The A-Listers were ringside for this one.  Match was fine.  Lacerra overcame lots of shenanigans for the win.  But the real story here had nothing to do with the match.

Rant time.

At one point, my friend Christina asked me “hey, is that for real?”  I had no idea what she was talking about, because until that point, I was focusing on what had been a perfectly acceptable wrestling match.  What was going on now is that a woman was videotaping the match, in plain view of the hard camera, and blocking the view of folks sitting behind her.  Other fans, NYWC security, and NYWC management were involved.  Eventually, they seemed to tap out, let the match come to an end, and let her do what she wanted, but not until she had completely sucked all the focus from the match.

  1. You ruined a match that probably could have aired on TV at some point, so you could have a half-ass copy on your digital camera.  You ruined a match that could have been seen by THOUSANDS, if not more, so you could upload it to your YouTube channel, and show your friends on Facebook.
  2. You ruined a match for hundreds of people live. You took hundreds of eyeballs off your guy, who was doing pretty well I might add, and put the focus on YOURSELF, ruining his match in the process.
  3. You disrespected the entire locker room and NYWC management by acting like your right to videotape the match is more important than their company, work and product.  Oh, by the way, you have NO RIGHT to videotape ANYTHING at a pro wrestling show, EVER.
  4. You probably got your guy in some real hot water in the locker room.  By acting like his match is the only thing that matters, you probably have a few of his brothers and superiors looking at him like he’s a total mark.

Let’s recap: you ruined the match for the fans in the building, the fans at home, the guys in the ring, and probably hurt your man’s career moving forward.  And you have the nerve to think YOU’RE RIGHT.

On top of all this, you and your little army had the nerve to storm out after the match, because this is all you came for.  F the guys in the main event, right?  F the guys in all the other matches, right?  We’ll just sit here in silence until our boy comes out, then leave as soon as he’s done.

Do us all a favor next month.  Stay home.  Your presence is an outright slap in the face to the guys running NYWC, the guys in the locker room, and every fan who paid $20 or more for a seat in the Sportatorium.

I love NYWC way too much to get this worked up over something that doesn’t have anything to do with the action in the ring.

Here’s hoping that the family tree stays home next month, and these guys get to work again, without the embarrassing BS in the crowd.

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