10 Better Ways for TNA to Spend $400k than on Alberto Del Rio

Andy's Angry

10. Bravado Brothers

Don’t know these guys just yet?  Don’t worry, I’m not surprised.  I ain’t even mad at ya’.  Harlem and Lancelot Bravado are graduates of the ROH Wrestling School, but got their first real “big” indy exposure with Chikara.  Since then, they’ve worked in Full Impact Pro, Evolve, and Dragon Gate USA—in which they’ve been featured as championship-level talent.

The Upside:  They’re young,  they’re talented, and they’ve got a relatively solid indy rep. They could help open doors to working relationships with both the WWN family (encompassing DGUSA, Evolve, FIP, FTW and SHINE), as well as Pro Wrestling NOAH in Japan.  If nothing else, they could be wonderfully-talented job talent for your bigger “star power” tag teams.

The Risk: These guys sound very WCW-southern, which is both part of their gimmick, and part of their charm.  It doesn’t exactly scream “big time,” however.  These guys are talented, but would have to be carefully protected if used as part of your main roster.

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