4. Jigsaw
Jigsaw has appeared in TNA on a few occasions, as Rubix. I don’t love the name, but I’m a big fan of the performer. Jigsaw has torn it up for years in Chikara, has had a run or two with ROH, and Dragon Gate USA. He’s undeniably talented in the ring, and is a perfect fit in the X-division. You may not catch him in the main event scene, but you could definitely spot him in a few “match of the night” contenders and/or winners.
The Upside: As talented as he is, I don’t see Jigsaw on WWE’s radar. He’s yours, and affordable. Your audience already knows him, so you don’t have to build him from scratch. Just give him a push, and let him be a big deal.
The Risk: It’s tough for the American audience to get into masked wrestlers. No disrespect to Jigsaw, but his look works so much better with the mask on. He’s a star in the mask. He looks like some guy you know without it.
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