5. Trent?
It still blows my mind that WWE had this guy, did absolutely nothing with him, then let him go…but that’s WWE for you. This is one of those cases where WWE’s loss is your very affordable gain. Let him keep working indy dates, team him back up with Chuck Taylor (they’re gold together, I promise) and use him as a big powerhouse attraction in the X-division. Hell, if guys like Austin Aries can sniff out the TNA World title, there’s no reason why Trent? can’t. too. You used him before, and put him over as a weird dude with talent. Now, lock him down and make him a star.
The Upside: He’s young, he’s talented, he’s good looking, and he has WWE experience without having the WWE stigma. You can still make him a “TNA guy” without looking like you’re picking up WWE’s trash. Oh, and you’d be adding an amazing piece of talent to your roster…whether it be the X-division, tag division, or World Title scene.
The Risk: We’ve established that this dude is a little weird, and that’s cool. Unless people don’t get it. Then he’s Scotty Goldman…who, as we’ve established, should already be on your roster.
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