This isn’t a clusterkerfuffle, but the AJ-Brie match was only really enjoyable for the way that AJ sold the Nikki‘s Rack Attack — which is, and will likely remain for a long time, the most perfect name for a specific finisher — like she was dead, briefly brought back to life with the impact and then immediately killed again when she hit the mat.
And, for our last picture story, a screenshot that could literally only happen in professional wrestling:
While the concern over Erick Rowan being made into a giant goofy cartoon character is at least not entirely unfounded/the domain of wild wrestling conspiracy nuts, it’s still the type of thing that fans would be far better served if they just accepted as part of the deal. That’s not to say they should be willing to take what they are given, but rather that they would be much happier if they understood that their favorite version of a certain character or their belief of what professional wrestling should be has to take into account a significant amount of “otherness”. Instead of framing everything in terms of “wants”, framing it in terms of “what’s best for business/all the fans/may make the most entertaining long term story lines” would go a long way in making people more willing to deal with weird shit like Erick Rowan being obsessed with Renee Young.
HOWEVER, this works both ways, and the the idea that the commentators wouldn’t put two-and-two together to make “Renee Young” literally a a week after Rowan creepily appeared while she was conducting an interview and called her pretty is EXACTLY the type of continuity lapses that drive even reasonable fans insane. The mystery shouldn’t be “who is Rowan talking about”, it should be “why has he chosen her” and “what will her reaction be”. But the WWE has long had trouble in instances like this of building characters to respond to situations instead of building reactions based on situations. In a world that moves as quickly as the WWE does — with their six-ten hours of original programming a week for TV and The Network — it’s understand that not everything is going to be perfect, but making an effort to fit together puzzle pieces shouldn’t be too much to ask.
Oh, and Adam Rose attacked The Bunny. Again. So, you know, sometimes I totally get it, Liverpool. Oh wait, no they are cheering wildly and singing along to the heel’s music. Great job, Liverpool!
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