NYWC: Angry Andy Reviews "Till I Collapse"

Francis Kipland Stevens and Anthony LaCerra vs Jamie Van Lemer and Joey Conway

This was billed as an unsanctioned tag team grudge match, since Conway and Van Lemer are part of Vitko’s army.  This was much more of a match, and way less of a brawl than I was expecting it to be.  Still good.  Crowd loves the babyfaces in this one, which definitely helps. Finish comes when a returning Casanova Valentine runs in and chokeslams Kip after a ref bump.  Mega comes out to even the odds, hitting a chokeslam of his own, and giving the babyfaces a big win.  Big brawl between Vitko’s crew and security after the bell.

Something to note- Kip tagged himself in at one point, and LaCerra sold it like he was REALLY unpleased. It didn’t play into the finish, and really wasn’t relevant again at any point in the match… but it could be planting the seeds for something down the road.  Either that, or iit was just an effective red herring.

What I liked: Fun crowd, fun match.  I’m curious to see what’s next in this ongoing feud.  I’m guessing a six-man tag next month…which may just feature someone turning, and joining Vitko’s army.

What made me angry: Nothing to be angry about here.  I like this feud.

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