NYWC: Angry Andy Reviews "Till I Collapse"

Aria Cadenza and Sammy Pickles vs NYWC Co-Starlet Champions Rick Cataldo and Marti Belle

The stipulation for this match was that if Aria or Sammy was able to score a pinfall, they would get a Starlet title match against whoever they pinned.  It’s also important to note that Aria is a monster heel, so she would NOT let Sammy get the pin, the few times that Sammy had the advantage.

The psychology was a little weird as a result of the stipulations, but it worked.  Sammy ended up doing what she seems to do best, by playing the face in peril.  The crowd LOVES her, by the way – chanting for her the whole match.
There was a fun part of this match where Rick Cataldo proclaimed himself the baddest bitch in the Starlet division, and challenged Aria to prove him wrong.  They then spent the next few minutes destroying each other’s partners in stereo.

It was pretty cool, and a nice little display of personality for Aria.

Aria eventually gets the pin on Marti Belle with a Vader Bomb, so next month, it’s Aria vs Marti for the title.

What I liked:  Creative use of the stipulation.  The Aria-Rick showdown was fun.  Everyone did really well here.

What made me angry: I didn’t take any negative notes on this one, and looking back, I can’t think of anything now, either.  No complaints.

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