Grim Reefer vs “The House Party” Cooley K
Cooley K is the former K-Pusha, from the All Money is Legal tag team. He’s returning here for a battle of the high flyers. And maybe it’s just because I haven’t seen him in a few years, but he looks way more jacked than I remember.
This started slow, but built up pretty quickly. I love me some Grim Reefer, as I’ve said oh so many times before, but this match wasn’t for him. Cooley K got to show off some cool moves. One spot saw Reefer seated in the corner, with Cooley K coming off the top in a senton bomb…that landed as a headbutt to the nads. Finish saw K come off the top and nail Reefer with an X-Factor for the three count.
The problem is that Reefer’s music started playing, and Reefer was announced the winner. Reefer left quickly, looking annoyed, and Cooley K left to a quiet crowd. The ring announcer would apologize and correct himself later in the night.
What I liked: This was a good highlight match for Cooley K, especially if he’s going to be sticking around. Reefer is always great. I’d really like to see these guys either go at it again, or team up.
What made me angry: Obviously, the botched finish hurt this a lot. It is what it is. The other thing? The crowd was kind of quiet for this one. I feel like some fans just didn’t recognize Cooley K, who he was or why he was here. A 2-minute promo posted to social media, even if shot via iPhone, could go a long way in these situations.
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