Fantasy Booking: WrestleMania XXXIV

Let’s get our magic booking pen ready and Fantasy Book our way through tonight's card for WrestleMania XXXIV!

WWE Cruiserweight Championship Tournament Finals

Cedric Alexander vs. Mustafa Ali

The Dream: Drew Gulak is added to this match after a riveting PowerPoint presentation to kickoff the Kickoff, then proceeds to win the match with his new finisher: THE EXCEL(LENT) PIVOT TABLE.

The Nightmare: Enzo Amore comes back, like even as a fan.  

The Hope: Considering that it’s on the Kickoff, WWE allows 205’s two best in-ring performers to put in enough to time to tell a story at least as exciting as last year’s Baron Corbin-Dean Ambrose IC title match.

The Reality: This was not important enough of a match to push the inevitable KID ROCK concert off the main show but it should be treated as a more significant event either of the battle royals, which while charming will always be second fiddle to the Royal Rumble in terms of importance or place in the wrestling zeitgeist.

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