Fantasy Booking: WrestleMania XXXIV

Let’s get our magic booking pen ready and Fantasy Book our way through tonight's card for WrestleMania XXXIV!


Kurt Angle & Ronda Rousey vs. Triple H & Stephanie McMahon

The Dream: Ronda, with her background, finally breaks the WWE’s rule on non-Ellsworth intergender wrestling and spends the entire match throwing Hunter all over the ring, like so much WrestleMania XXX.

The Nightmare: Ronda’s ring work is as bad as her free form mic work, or her inexperience leads someone to get permanently injured.

The Hope: A good, safe match where everyone is made to look good and which helps build in a feud between the prominent figures going forward

The Reality: Kurt Angle is super taking the pin, after a cheap shot from Stephanie.

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