Angry Andy’s Top 10 Opponents for a WWE-Bound AJ Styles


4. Kevin Owens

Ah, Kevin Owens. The best NXT call-up since The Shield.

A lot of people are going to fantasy-book AJ Styles against the best cruiserweight/junior heavyweight/high-flying/whatever wrestlers in the WWE. A lot of people are going to forget about guys like Kevin Owens.

But Kevin Owens is one of the best possible opponents for a guy like AJ Styles.

Kevin Owens can GO. He’s at his absolute best when paired up with a workhorse. Need an example? See his matches with Cena, Ambrose, and Sami Zayn.

Not only is Owens a great base for AJ’s flashy offense, he can actually keep up with AJ’s pace in the ring. They’ll have great, energetic matches that make AJ look like a goddamn superhero.

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