Bang for Your Buck PPV Review: WrestleMania XXX



Best Case Scenario: The Shield manage to stay together through the entire match. On the way back to the locker room — which as faces, the Shield are permitted to be in — Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns cross paths with Roddy Pipper, Jeff Hardy and The Rock followed by a Freak Friday-esque accident. Hilarity ensues.

Talk about matches that did EXACTLY what they were supposed to do: in 3 minutes, the Shield essentially destroyed the Authority — or at least the rank and file of the organization — and established themselves as megastars of the future. The dynamic they have going has entered into a remarkable space where not only is it okay for them to be their weird best-friend selves but their weird best-friend selves who will powerbomb you and your buddy into oblivion.

Them fighting for “justice” may sound cheesy, but given how organically they turned them and how much of legit badasses they are made out to be, it won’t matter how cheesy they are when they are straight killing people like they did at WrestleMania. This, along with the next match, get a bump not just for what happened in the ring, but what it means for the future of the company from a booking perspective. Which, as the Network era blossoms, will end up becoming the most important part of the matches on any of these shows: make me want to watch what happens next.
Also, three minutes? I’ll sign up for that any day of the week if Kane and the New Age Outlaws are involved.
Match +.5 |  PPV 1.3

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