What’s The Worst That Could Happen?: WWE Fastlane PPV

HHH & Sting

H Sting

Face-to-Face confrontation

Best Case Scenario: Building on their previous “meeting”, Sting still says nothing, uses the Titantron to play an elaborate game of Pictionary. HHH loses after guessing wrong when Sting draws a shovel and HHH guesses “ME!”.

Worst Case Scenario: Them laying a hand on one another, because fuckbeans is Sting old, honestly, that’s the type of thing that should be reserved for the biggest show of the year. If they get into it on F*CKING FASTLANE, that’ll be a waste of everyone’s time and at least a little bit of Vince’s future money.

What Nick Wants To Happen: Sting to keep his mouth shut and HHH repeats himself less than three times per sentence. A boy can dream, can’t he?

What Will Happen: Disappointment, mostly.

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