Intercontinental Championship Match
Best Case Scenario: Big E. looks like he needs the Langston like a fish needs a bicycle, while Swagger either looks good enough to warrant a feud with Cesaro or for him to be dumped by Coulter and NOT lose the momentum he’s been building.
Worst Case Scenario: Big E. loses the title clean to Swagger, then is forced to join with R. Truth and Xavier Woods in a sad sad, mildly racist recreation of his run with AJ and Dolph. In this scenario, Big E. is Big E., Truth is Dolph and Woods is AJ Lee.
What Nick Wants to Happen: Big E. to retain, Swagger to destroy Colter, a five count.
What Will Happen: A HOSS fight of biblical proportions, with Big E. retaining in a way that never *really* puts the result in doubt, but does just enough to make you wonder what would have happened if Coulter wasn’t shouting things at E. to make him angry.
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