What’s the Worst That Could Happen? NXT Takeover: Unstoppable Edition

Charlotte Bayle Emma Dana Brooke

Bayley & Charlotte vs. Emma & Dana Brooke

Best Case Scenario: Bayley loses her goddamn mind and channels her inner Mick Foley, busting out a Bayley-to-Belly on Dana Brooke off the top rope and onto the exposed floor.

Worst Case Scenario: Inexplicably, JBL, Cole, and Lawler end up doing commentary for the match.

What Matthew Wants to Happen: Charlotte whips the ever-loving shit outta Emma so badly she wishes she was still on Raw, where despite her awful role she was safe from the terror of the Genetically Superior Diva.

What Will Happen: The women of NXT bust out another barnburner of a match, and prove that every card should feature more than one women’s bout.

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