NYWC: Angry Andy Reviews "Till I Collapse"

The A-Listers (“Absolute” Alvin Alvarez, Cono, J-Redd & Ultimo Maya) vs Braydon Knight, Jabali Jr, Jesse Vane & Matthew Justice

The A-Listers were scheduled to cut a promo about what is wrong in NYWC.  Instead, this promo served as a more of a reintroduction, “this is who we are” segment.  It was short and sweet, so it was fine.  Alvin is interrupted by Knight, who comes out with reinforcements, leading to this impromptu 4-on-4 match.

This was a good opener.  The action was crisp, and the crowd work –especially with the A-Listers—was lots of fun.  It was cool to finally see Justice and Vane work as babyfaces.  Vane especially showed a lot of fire, and has some really fun offense.  He’d eventually get the pin, after a particularly sick top rope senton bomb.

What I liked:  This segment accomplished several things.  It continued to establish the A-Listers as MIz-style delusional heels, who you really love to hate.  It established Braydon Knight as a capable leader, who was able to rally a thrown-together group to victory, on short notice.  It continued what has been a very enjoyable feud between Jabali and Ultimo Maya.  And perhaps most importantly, it debuted and established Athletic Inc as babyfaces, teasing good things to come without giving too much away.

What made me angry: Nothing to be upset about here.

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