Monsta Mack vs. Anthony Lacerra vs. Cooley K (w/ Eddie Guapo)
This show starts off with some triple threat action. I got a chuckle when Mack told the other guys something along the lines of “You guys start, I’ll watch.” This was a big babyface respect-fest, with two guys going move-for-move, doing the old indy standoff, shaking hands, and switching out. After a few minutes, it’s interrupted by the A-Listers. Alvin cuts his usual promo. Guapo makes a challenge for a 6-man tag, right now. He throws in the stipulation that if the babyfaces win, he gets Alvin one-on-one. Match on.
Monsta Mack, Anthony Lacerra & Cooley K vs. Alvin Alvarez, Ultimo Maya & Cono
Some fun, solid action. Biggest spot was all three babyfaces hitting stereo dives on the A-Listers. Mack and Alvin traded blows a couple of times, which made Alvin look a lot stronger than he has in a while. There was one spot in particular that made me nervous, where Mack and Cooley K had Alvin up and Lacerra hit a cutter. Alvin pretty much landed on his face. Faces eventually get the win when Cooley K hits a top rope X-Factor, and Mack and Lacerra hit a doomsday-style crossbody.
Post-match, Guapo talked about Alvin not having any respect, and beating it into him. Mack called the heels marks. I forget who said it, but either Mack or Guapo made a point to call Lacerra the future of the company.
What I liked: Some good action. Strong promo work by all involved. The match was fun, which is pretty much what you would expect with the guys involved. Good way to get the crowd pumped up to start the show.
What made me angry: Last month, the A-Listers talked about how they were going for gold in 2015. That wasn’t mentioned here. I didn’t feel like this match was a bad thing, nor do I think losing hurt them. But I think the A-Listers need to stay a little more goal-oriented moving forward.
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