NYWC: Angry Andy Reviews "Sideshow"

DJ Hyde vs. The Big O

The stipulation for this one is that if O gets the win, he gets a title shot against Flawless Blake Morris at Psycho Circus.  Morris cuts a promo before the match, upset that he had to work 6 years before he got a title shot, and O got one in six months.  He’s upset that he doesn’t have a match tonight, and makes an open challenge for a title shot.  Big O’s music hits, but Jonathan Evans comes out, dressed in O gear.  They cut a promo with the little guy pretending to be the big guy, until the real guy comes out.

O spends a bit of time trying to get DJ up for a slam, but DJ is too heavy.  Ref bump.  DJ hits a lariat and has it won, but Morris tells him to big O up, rubbing the belt in O’s face.  Blake backs up and goes for a belt shot, but O moves, and Blake nails DJ.  O takes out Morris, hits a powerslam on DJ, and gets the 3 count.

What I liked: Match was okay. Finish was good.  O isn’t the best worker, but his quest for the title has been fun.  Morris can no longer dodge O and has to defend his title.  Good story.  It’s been a little bit predictable, but that’s not exactly a bad thing.

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