Psycho Circus Match
Mikey Whipwreck, Joey Conway, Joe Ettell, Joe Gacy & J-Ro vs. Stockade, Apollyon, Casanova Valentine, Jamie Van Leamur, & King Mega
If you’re expecting a play-by-play on this one, it’s not gonna happen. I wouldn’t know where to begin. There was barbed wire, steel cage, ladders, tables, and all sorts of other weapons…and it was brutal. Casanova Valentine murdered Joe Ettell by powerbombing him through a barbed wire web. J-Ro sent Valentine from the top rope, through a table on the outside. Gacy and Mega eliminated each other, by going through a table between the apron and the guard rail. Joe Gacy put Apollyon through a ladder in the ring. You get the idea. This one started and ended with Stockade and Mikey Whipwreck. Stockade grabs a chain and hangs/chokes Mikey with it, until he’s forced to tap.
What I liked: This was crazy, and brutal. While I’m not wild about hardcore/weapons matches, this was pretty well done. It was well-paced, and almost everything seemed to mean something.
What made me angry: I’m not entirely sure what happened at the end of the match. It was hard to see from where I was standing, but I know Vitko and Stockade were yelling to ring the bell… so I don’t know if the refs were out of position and missed the tapout, or if Mikey didn’t actually tap… it was confusing, but a minor issue in a good match.
NYWC returns to action on Saturday, March 28th. Sadly, I won’t be there, because I’ll be on a plane to San Francisco to watch WrestleMania. Match information and tickets will be available soon at Enjoy the show!
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