Angry Andy’s Top 10 WrestleMania Replacements for Brock Lesnar


2. Seth Rollins

Why it works: Do I even need to explain this?  I mean, I guess so, since this is my blog and all, but come on.  This should be pretty self-explanatory.  Rollins cashes in his Money in the Bank contract for a shot at the title in the WrestleMania main event.  And on top of that, he gets to keep Roman Reigns from living his dream, AND continues the post-Shield feuds that we’ve all enjoyed.

Why it would make me angry: The Royal Rumble and Money in the Bank winners tend to be surefire WWE Champions.  One going against the other ensures that one trope has to go down, so which is it?  Which victory means more than the other — the Rumble, or the MITB contract?

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