Andy Will Be Angry If…: WWE Fastlane Edition

H Sting

Sting goes face-to-face with Triple H

This is going to go a lot longer than it needs to.  I’m hoping Sting doesn’t anything more than “you, me, WrestleMania.”  Triple H accepts.  Sting takes out the Authority, and Triple H escapes to fight another day.

I’ll be angry if: This goes long.  Remember that time Ultimate Warrior arrived in WCW, and cut a promo so long that nobody cared about his match with Hogan?  Yeah, let’s avoid THAT.

I’ll keep my cool if: This is a short, sweet storytelling device that takes us from “why is Sting here” to “Sting and Triple H are going to fight at Mania!”  Sting looks like a threat, despite looking like your uncle who fell asleep watching the early football game on Thanksgiving.

I’m expecting: Triple H cuts a long, Raw-opening promo.  Sting makes a simple challenge, and Triple H accepts.  Fun lighting effects mess with Triple H’s head, and that’s it for Sting until Mania.


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