Andy Will Be Angry If…: WWE Fastlane Edition

Usos Brass Ring

WWE Tag Team Championship

The Usos (c) vs. Cesaro & Tyson Kidd

So, like, we can all agree that both of these teams are pretty awesome, right?  Good.  We can also agree that there aren’t any real heel teams at a championship level, outside of Cesaro & Kidd (sorry, Ascension, but you’re not there yet.)

Cesaro and Kidd have newfound momentum as a heel team, and they’ve gotten over pretty well.  It’s time to capitalize.

I’ll be angry if: The Usos win.

I’ll keep my cool if: Cesaro & Kidd win.

I’m expecting: Cesaro & Kidd win.  They’re immediately targeted by the large number of babyface teams on the WWE roster.  The Usos, Los Matadores, the newly-reunited Prime Time Players, The New Day, Ziggler & Ryback (if that’s still a team, going forward), the Lucha Dragons… you catch my drift.  Cesaro and Kidd can be great “champs on the run” for a while, while you rebuild the division around them.  Brass rings for all.

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