Ryback, Erick Rowan & Dolph Ziggler vs. Seth Rollins, Big Show & Kane
You figured something like this was coming, considering 6 of the biggest stars in the company had nothing else to do.
So, here it is.
The action is going to be good, with Ziggler bumping his ass off. Rowan’s offense is probably going to look a little weak, with a big spot thrown in for the highlight reel. Ryback will tease a double-Shellshocked on Big Show and Kane, and blow out of sphincter in the process. Or pull it off perfectly. Big Show and Kane will tease dissension, leading toward them eliminating each other in the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal at WrestleMania.
What really needs to happen here is that Team Cena regains all the moment it lost when the guys were fired, then brought back, then…kinda just there. Kane and Big Show and team or feud or whatever, but one of them needs to take the pin. Rollins is protected, the faces are rebuilt, and the big guys remain big guys.
I’ll be angry if: This goes longer than 10 minutes. Make it short and sweet, tell a simple story, and build toward WrestleMania.
I’ll keep my cool if: This, somehow, leads to Ziggler vs. Rollins (and maybe vs. Bryan) at Mania, with that pretty Money in the Bank briefcase on the line. Ryback, Rowan, Show and Kane all get some direction moving forward.
I’m expecting: The heels dominate an alarming amount of the match, until Big Show hits Kane with a knockout punch. Ziggler takes dozens of insane headbumps. The faces win, but in a way that doesn’t really help them as much as they need.
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