Finn Balor (c) vs. Samoa Joe
NXT Championship
This is going to be so, soooo good.
If there’s anything that’s going to give the Lethal-Styles ROH title match a run for its money, it’s this match. I’m going into social media blackout around 3 o’clock Wednesday, just to avoid spoilers on this match, until I get home to watch the replay on the Network. THAT’S how good I expect this to be, and I don’t think I’m going to be let down.
This is Samoa Joe’s first real chance to shine on a WWE stage, and I expect him to take the ball and run with it. As for Balor, we’ve seen him close several big shows now, and he’s delivered each time. These two together? This is a match made in heaven… and I can’t wait to watch it.
I’ll be angry if: We get a “WWE-style” main event. I’m not interested in watching these guys do their best impressions of Cena, Orton, Reigns and Rollins. I want to watch Joe-Balor.
I’ll keep my cool if: WWE lets these two guys unleash on one another, ROH/New Japan style.
I’m expecting…: Both guys kick out of the other’s finishers, and the Demon puts Samoa Joe down to retain his title.
If I booked it: Balor wins clean… and then we get a big clue as to who gets the title shot WrestleMania weekend. My vote would be for Baron Corbin… or a four-way, that also includes Joe and Crews.
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