Andy Will Be Angry If…: Hell in a Cell Edition


Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins

Whether or not this match goes on last, it’s my main event.  WWE has spent months building to the moment when Ambrose finally gets his shot at Rollins, and Rollins cannot run away.  It’s finally here.  And on a card that has me feeling largely indifferent, this match has me really excited.

If I wasn’t going to watch this at Nick’s place, I’d certainly consider paying to watch it on pay-per-view.  Until I found a decent stream, at least.

This is going to be a great match.  The finish worries me, though.  Rollins giving Orton a curb stomp on Raw opens the door for a lot of shenanigan.

I’ll be angry if: This ends with interference from Orton, Kane, Noble, Mercury, Triple H, John Cena, and everyone else that has been peripherally involved in this long-running feud.

I’ll keep my cool if: These guys are allowed to shine in the main event, regardless of who wins, and the interference at the end is kept to a minimum.

What I’m expecting: Interference from Orton, maybe others.  Ambrose wins, but pays the price for it.  This way, Ambrose gets to tout the win, while Rollins continues to brag about being Mr. Money in the Bank.


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