Sheamus (C) vs. The Miz
This match is going to be about Miz trying to avoid having his face caved in. Pretty simple, but pretty effective. Douchey heel Miz is the best Miz, so this is going to be about as good as it can be.
I’ll be angry if: This one goes long enough to get boring. Keep this one short and sweet, and you’ll probably keep me calm.
I’ll keep my cool if: Damien Mizdow gets the chance to shine, perhaps subbing for Miz in a semi-official manner. Maybe this turns into an unofficially-official handicapped match.
What I’m expecting: Mizdow manages to get involved and, somehow, walks away as United States champion. Crowd loves it, until Miz declares himself the winner, and tries to take the belt. Mizdow refuses, and Sheamus kills them both with Brogue kicks.
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