Andy Will Be Angry If…: Hell in a Cell Edition


AJ Paige

 AJ Lee (C) vs. Paige

I love Paige.  I love AJ Lee…just don’t tell her husband.  I hear he doesn’t like wrestling fans, or those who try to cut their teeth in #InternetWrestlingWriting.

Anyway, I’m a big fan of both of these girls, but I’d really like a break from this feud.  There are so many talented women in WWE, and they’re all just kind of waiting in the wings, watching as these two wrestle over, and over, and over… I do like that Alicia Fox is getting a slight “Hey, I’m friggin crazy, too” rub out of this feud.  AJ needs a friend or two to help even this out.  I wonder what Tamina is up to.

I’ll be angry if:  JBL and Lawler spend the entire match debating which professional wrestler is crazier, while Michael Cole tries and fails to call a match and tell a story.

I’ll keep my cool if: These girls have a match that actually settles this feud for a while, without the announcers managing to bury it the ENTIRE TIME IT’S HAPPENING.  The loser either goes away for a while, or is simply kept away from the champion.

What I’m expecting: Another title change.  Another couple months of matches between these two women, with weird lesbian undertones the entire way.

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