Yes! Yes! Yes! We’re Taped!

Raw Regurgitated, 7/29

God, watching Rob Van Dam do Rob Van Dam things reminds why ECW was, and continues to be just the worst thing ever.

Fandango’s complete obliviousness to literally everyone else on the show and the very purpose of the show — and presumably professional wrestling — is the single most underrated piece of work on television.


Divas matches on television used to be a guaranteed bathroom break. But thankfully, for my bladder, Miz TV still exists.


Big E Langston continues to be the most impressive wrestler follow on Twitter:

Did you guys know that it’s Big E’s time now? Because it is. He’s totally right. Makes you wonder if Dolph’s pissed about that.

Technical question for people stronger than me: does Big E just practices having larger and larger things thrown at him just to see how much he can catch? And, has anybody tried a car?

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