Yes! Yes! Yes! We’re Taped!

Raw Regurgitated, 7/29

Did the heat that the Shield had on themselves backstage require Dean Ambrose to get that “you’re starting to look pretty thin up top” haircut?

So, what you are saying to me, WWE, is that I don’t get the ridiculously good promos or him saying things like “IMMMA WHOOP YOU LIKE YOU STOLE SOMETHING!” while beating people with a belt, but I’ll see Mark Henry do feats of strength that make John Cena seem like Gillberg and turn him into a hero for the WWE Universe? Thrown in a singles feud with Dean Ambrose or Roman Reigns and you’ve got yourself a deal!

Oh, god, if I wasn’t watching this Tuesday morning/afternoon, I’d be so pissed that the overrun for this Raw wasn’t NCIS.

The best thing that will ever happen to Dean Ambrose will be when they name that finisher of his. It will also be the worst thing that will ever happen to The Shield.



*** WRESTLING NERD DISCUSSION ZONE AHEAD*** Brad Maddox trying to get Kane to beat the shit out of Daniel Bryan to prove a point to the Wyatts is the difference between “good writing for wrestling” and “good writing”. This being wrestling, and wrestling needing to appeal to the broadest possible group of people, Brad Maddox’s functionality in the show seems to be largely a function of what Vince McMahon tells him to say. By having him do this, he at least becomes a three-dimensional character, inasmuch as he’s not just a surrogate for a specific point of view in some meta-reality sense, but with actual motivation. That the “actual motivation” is for him to not piss off Vince McMahon is still motivation that makes him into a character with feelings and goals. So, that’s nice. ***WRESTLING NERD DISCUSSION ZONE NOW OVER, PLEASE ENJOY COMPLIMENTARY SONIC MILKSHAKE ON THE WAY OUT***

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