Yes He Can!

Raw Regurgitated, 1/13

There’s always a reason to punch old men in the face. Especially xenophobic Yosemite Sam look alikes, and it’s for reaction shots like this one:



For much of their run, the Shield was — for obvious reasons — defined less as individuals working together than as a single organism with three dimensions. But, with Reigns established as the Hammer and Ambrose  established as the Hothead, it appeared that — as everyone had long assumed — Rollins would be left out in the cold. HOWEVER, the announcers have very subtly begun to establish Seth as the brains behind the operation. Cole even went so far as to call him the Architect on SmackDown last week. It’s clear that they have plans for all three now, and it’s interesting to see that Rollins has found himself in the most important role of all: holding it all together.

It’s always nice when creators leaves obvious questions unasked while fans ask them loudly, only for the answer to be given to them right at the moment they’ve stopped thinking about the thing that confused in the first place. Like all things CM Punk, since they never have to worry about him being  able to get something over with the crowd, they let nearly everything he does sit in a Crock-Pot until it’s just the right amount of juicy and delicious, which is exactly what happened with The New Age Outlaws when they left Punk to fend for himself against the Shield. It was a great bit of rug pulling for a storyline that they never really explained — or needed to explain — until they needed it to. Now we understand the implications of every bit of what happened over the past two weeks between the three men, without anyone explaining anything with words on the main show. That’s what wrestling is supposed to be — engaging stories told mostly through action, with words sprinkled in for context.

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