What’s the Worst That Could Happen?: WWE Survivor Series 2014

WWE Divas Championship Match

AJ Lee (C) vs. Nikki Bella

Best Case Scenario: The Inception-level story nesting continues, and it turns out that if the referee counts to three, it’s the real world and not [ref]SPOILER ALERT[/ref] a dream.

Worst Case Scenario: Somehow, Nikki Bella regresses to pre-comeback levels in the ring. AJ then has a chip implanted in her brain that forces her into skip around the ring for the rest of eternity trying to drag that version of Nikki to a good match like Sisyphus (on less of an incline, of course.)

What Nick Wants to Happen:This to be as the same kind of odd fun the rest of their story telling has been so far, and for Nikki to get  a chance really almost nail a Rack Attack on AJ, before AJ works it into the Black Widow.

What Will Happen: Probably Brie interference on Nikki, backfires, causes AJ to lose title/quit wrestling forever. LOLJK, that’s next month. You gotta pay for that shit.

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