What’s The Worst That Could Happen?: WWE Fastlane PPV

WWE Tag Team Championship

Usos Brass Ring

The Usos (c) vs. Cesaro & Tyson Kidd

Best Case Scenario: The end of the tyranny of the Usos as default tag team champions. Not because the Usos aren’t a particular, and particularly rare kind of great — which they are — but because face tag teams as default champions almost literally never work out well.

Worst Case Scenario: Cesaro and Kidd are replaced by Rosebuds, who are wearing Cesaro and Kidd’s actual skin as their costumes.

What Nick Wants To Happen: A 15-minute match where all four performers are allowed to explore the studio space, with the Brass Ring Club going from “fun tag team that the WWE will take away too soon” to “cornerstone of the division for the next year, before they break up and start the best feud of 2016”.

What Will Happen: If there is a God, Cesaro & Kidd winning. So … Usos win off botched Nattie distraction.

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