Tag Team Championship Match
Best Case Scenario: This somehow turns into a ladder match between the two teams, and Luke Harper/Jey Uso dueling run-up-the-ladder spots as they go up to grab both belts, only to come down with one each. Restarting a match, which ends when Bray Wyatt comes out and levitates Luke Harper to the belts with his mind.
Worst Case Scenario: They cancel this match.
What Nick Wants to Happen: This lives up to half the expectations I have in my head for what these for can do, with special emphasis (for your correspondent, at least) on how strong the Usos have been as champions, so even if they lose they remain at or near the top of a rapidly developing division.
What Will Happen: A well-worked match where everyone looks good, but nothing really happens, and the Usos retain. Such is mango.
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