Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins
“Not a game, not a game… we talkin’ ’bout practice” – Allen Iverson
There not being a match between Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns wasn’t the fault of anyone involved, but without an actual match, it’s really hard to give this segment a particularly high grade. HAVING SAID THAT, the triumphant return of Dean Ambrose, along with the FLYING ELBOW HE DROPPED ON TEN PEOPLE AT ONCE was definitely a segment worth watching again.
They are doing a long tease on this feud, likely stretching it out WrestleMania. Whether or not that’s for the best remains to be see, but if everything goes to plan, the next great star of the WWE will almost definitely be Dean Ambrose. With Seth Rollins not all that far behind.
“Match” +.5 | PPV 2.2
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