Bang For Your Buck PPV Review: Extreme Rules 2014

A new era bringing some changes to these monthly shows of significance began Sunday with Extreme Rules, but will it change how people feel about John Cena? Probably not.

Triple Threat Elimination Match


Two birds will be killed with one stone giant swing in this match.

While there’s always fun to be had when Jack Swagger and Cesaro get in the ring together, Rob Van Dam insistence on basing his entire character off of Brendan Fraser in Encino Man doomed the match to mediocrity from the start. It’s great that Cesaro won as clean as a whistle without having to worry about losing the narrative thread he has with Swagger for the time being, but the fact that he has to do it against someone who has been doing the same thing since before the internet was invented made this was like watching Axl Rose waddling out on stage to perform at the 2002 MTV Music Video Awards. And not when it happened. It was like watching footage from 12 years ago, thinking “man, I can’t believe that guy didn’t realize it was over” and then SEEING HIM WORK A SHOW.
Needless to say, the problems with this match overshadowed the goodness of a Cesaro win, a Zeb Colter appearance and even has the added issue of having to explain anyone you’d want to show this match how much ass “Welcome to the Jungle” RVD’s ECW TV title run kicked when it first happened.
Match +.3 | Overall .8

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