Bang For Your Buck PPV Review: Money in the Bank 2014

The Bang For Your Buck PPV is a day late, but as always, NO DOLLARS SHORT. Find out if Money in the Bank, the WWE's third best PPV lived up to its considerable reputation.



Best Case Scenario: The RybAxels and Dust(y) Brothers get more than five minutes to show why they should be the next tag team to get a major push, but the Dust(y) Brothers make it clear that they are the next team that should be contend for the WWE Tag Team championship.

Without a clear plan for the tag team division, and without a clear plan for the Dust(y) Brothers — or at least one entirely contingent on whether or not a weird and audience-challenging tag team can get over very quickly — this was probably the best they could do. While this isn’t something I would show my kids to explain to them why I decided to become a professional wrestling writer, that’s good enough for government work. Though they will be docked for that TERRIBLE singlet Axel was wearing.

Match .45 | PPV 2.35

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