What’s the Worst That Could Happen: The 2014 Elimination Chamber PPV

Tonight is WWE's Elimination Chamber PPV, where six men will enter a battlefield and only three will come out alive. Or something like that. What's the Worst That Could Happen?

It’s Elimination Chamber Sunday, which means it’s time for us to ask: “What’s the Worst That Could Happen?”.  And, because we love you, we also gave you a PPV Predictions episode of Headlock’d fresh from the oven this morning,  sometime with Angry Andy and will have an Official Juice Make Sugar drinking game for you before the show starts. All of this (for free!) before we drop our world famous Bang for Your Buck PPV review in your lap on Monday morning.

To make sure you don’t miss anything, follow us (or me) on Twitter and like us on Facebook. Now that we’ve gotten the shameless plugs out of the way, let’s figure out What’s the Worst That Could Happen tonight in Minneapolis:

Kickoff Match


Best Case Scenario: RybAxel goes H.A.M., is on their way to beating The Brotherhood clean, Goldust turns on Cody, starts feud LITERALLY EVERYONE ON EARTH WANTS TO SEE.

Worst Case Scenario:  It’s difficult to think of anything in particular that would be bad about this match — Ryback had a Step Brothers-themed singlet designed for it, for Christsakes — but there is definite concern regarding what’s going to happen with the Rhodes boys as a result of this match. So, while nothing in this actual match would be a “worst case scenario”, “the Rhodes brothers remain stagnant regardless of what happens” is close enough  


What Will Happen: Likely some sort combination of “Best Case Scenario” and “What Nick Wants to Happen”

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