What’s The Worst That Could Happen?: The 2014 Hell in a Cell PPV Edition

It's Hell in a Cell Sunday, which means it's time once again for Nick to ask: What's the Worst That Could Happen?


Brie Bella vs. Nikki Bella

Best Case Scenario: The two most improved performers of the last five years put on a match that is within swiping distance of Brie and Steph’s legitimately wonderful match at SummerSlam. Also, literally no one uses the b-word. Which is, of course, BRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEMMMMMMODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDEEEEE

Worst Case Scenario: Brie’s theme song somehow gets stuck on a loop, and continues throughout the entire match, ending up like the SNL sketch where the teleprompter breaks and Tim Meadows is killed for sustenance. In this case, the part of “Tim Meadows” would be played by Dean Ambrose’s forward momentum.

What Nick Wants to Happen: Something between surprising and shocking to happen in what feels like the most inevitable match/finish possible. Given that there’s almost no way Brie wins this, the ride getting there should have something at least compelling enough to not make me wish that I was watching Total Divas. 

What Will Happen: A fifteen-minute Total Divas commercial, with Nikki winning.

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