What’s The Worst That Could Happen?: SummerSlam 2013

WWE Championship Match

John Cena vs. Daniel Bryan (feat. Special Guest Referee HHH)

Best Case Scenario: Triple H saves his inevitable chicanery for after Daniel Bryan goes over with a clean small package finish, which leads to Randy Orton cashing in the Money in the Bank contract on DB, turning heel and reforming Evolution with Triple H. Batista comes back because God Loves Me.

Worst Case Scenario: Triple H literally inserts himself into the match, wins title.

What Nick Wants to Happen: John Cena finally shuts up the “You Can’t Wrestle” contingent by giving his third consecutive high-to-very-high quality PPV match, gives Daniel Bryan the best match of his WWE career and loses valiantly.

What Will Happen: Triple H screws over someone, internet smarks get pissed about it, McMahon family laughs all the way to the bank as WrestleMania 30 buyrate shatters records based on overwhelming popularity of “Family Feud” storyline. Wrestling fans die a little inside.

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