CM Punk vs. Brock Lesnar
Best Case Scenario: They make up for the dumbest go-home segment in history by having Paul Heyman explain that the trap that went so spectacularly bad was his fault and his fault alone during his obligatory mid-PPV hype promo, two of the best workers and storytellers in the company put on a show that makes Sami Zyan vs. Antonio Cesaro’s match on NXT next week look like an early-Hulkamania era curtain jerker.
Worst Case Scenario: CM Punk wins by completely outsmarting Brock Lesnar after outsmarting him just a week prior on free TV.
What Nick Wants to Happen: A good match that I don’t feel like an asshole for genuinely giving a shit about.
What Will Happen: A PPV worthy match that doesn’t live up to either of their best work, which ironically both occurred against the guy in the main event. No, not the guy you are thinking of, the other guy.
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