What’s The Worst That Could Happen?: SummerSlam 2013

Cody Rhodes vs. Damien Sandow

Best Case Scenario: After talking Damien into putting up the briefcase, the crowd gets behind Cody at the level they were during the Money in the Bank match, he narrowly loses to Sandow in an epic cheat spot which compels the Powers That Be to grant Cody a rematch at Night of Champions in the form of a ladder match. In the build up to that match, Cody starts giving mustache rides to plants in the audience.

Worst Case Scenario: The feud ends after a decisive victory by Damien. Note: Worst Case not because of Damien, but because this feud is gold.

What Nick Wants to Happen: Cody to look more American Dream than The Natural, Damien Sandow to look more Triple H than Dean Douglas.

What Will Happen: A Dusty finish.

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