We’re going to be busy the next couple of days at Juice Make Sugar, starting off with this |super awesome| What’s the Worst That Could Happen preview, followed by the official rules for the Juice Make Sugar SummerSlam drinking game and an awesome SummerSlam preview episode of Headlock’d.
To make sure you don’t miss anything, follow us (or me) on Twitter and like us on Facebook. Now that we’ve gotten the shameless plugs out of the way, let’s figure out What’s the Worst That Could Happen tomorrow night at the Staples Center:
United States Championship Match
Dean Ambrose (C) vs. Rob Van Dam
Best Case Scenario: Dean Ambrose hits the Headlock Driver so hard that Rob Van Dam is sent back in time to ECW.
Worst Case Scenario: Rob Van Dam isn’t sent back in time to ECW, continues wrestling regularly.
What Nick Wants to Happen: Dean Ambrose retains in convincing fashion, the end-of-match shmoz/Shield run-in happens after the bell, so it leads to tag team title match, not 6-man clusterkerfluffle between the Attitude Era also-rans (RVD, Big Show, and [mi amor] Mark Henry) vs. the Future of the Business (until the Wyatts get over enough).
What Will Happen: The end-of-match shmoz/Shield run-in happens before the bell, leads to 6-man clusterkerfluffle between the Attitude Era also-rans (RVD, Big Show, and [mi amor] Mark Henry) vs. the Future of the Business (until the Wyatts get over enough). The Shield continues its NUCULAR HEATZ deemphasizing. Nick dies a little inside.
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