What’s the Worst That Could Happen? Night of Champions (2013)

United States Championship Match 20130905_HOMEPAGE_NOC_AmbroseZiggler

Dean Ambrose (C) vs. Dolph Ziggler

Best Case Scenario: Ziggler forced to replace RVD in WHC after Mystery Machine gets lost on way to arena, is himself replaced by Sami Zyan. 30-minute MotY between Jon Moxley and El Generico.

Worst Case Scenario: Divas match runs over, this match gets truncated to Shield run-in, Ziggler suffers real concussion during fake melee

What Nick Wants to Happen: This match goes for 20 minutes, the only outside interference is a ref distraction after Ziggler’s super kick gives him the “victory”. Ambrose retains in “tainted” victory that is only tainted by Ziggler’s inability to overcome the theory of the Damned Numbers Game as opposed to the practical application of it.

What Will Happen: Damned Numbers Game

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