What’s the Worst That Could Happen?: Impact Wrestling Preview (5/30 Edition)

 TNA Says: Plus, more news and updates on Slammiversary, Thursday on SpikeTV at the NEW START TIME of 9/8c!

Best Case Scenario: Magnus, working unadvertised, looks strong in a match or on the stick and sneaks onto the Slammiversary card. (Possibly in the tag match with Joe against Bischoff & Brisco that I speculated about last week.) 

Worst Case Scenario: A lot of Hogan.

Dave Says: Normally I wouldn’t bother reacting to a line like this, but with relatively little advertised, I’m interested to see what surprises are unveiled heading into Slammiversary. It’s worth noting that the release doesn’t advertise Hulk Hogan at all, so I suspect one (or, god forbid, many) of the unadvertised segments will feature him prominently.

Between the time change and Slammiversary, this seems like a do-or-die edition of Impact. Let’s see what TNA produces in what should be their most compelling two hours of television in three months. I’ll be attending Sunday’s Slammiversary event in Boston, so don’t forget to follow me @DaveWritesJunk for thoughts from the arena, and every Thursday as I go where no (reasonable, or at least no ostensibly well-adjusted) man has gone before: live tweeting Impact.

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