What’s the Worst That Could Happen?: Impact Wrestling Preview (5/30 Edition)

TNA says: Also on IMPACT, it will be mixed tag team action with Chris Sabin and Taryn Terrell taking on X Division Champion Kenny King and Gail Kim  Impact May 30 -- Mixed Tag

Best Case Scenario: Sabin, King, and Kim all look strong while Terrell looks adequate. Sabin gets an out-of-nowhere win over King, planting seeds that the heel champion is in danger going into the pay per view.

Worst Case Scenario: B-O-T-C-H-A-M-A-N-I-A. Also, Sabin blows out his knee (I will list this as a “worst case scenario” for any of his matches for years to come).

Dave Says: Wow, lumping the X Division and the Knockouts together sure cheapens both of them, doesn’t it?

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